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Creating a YouTube video that delves into the essence of choosing a career through the lens of natural success principles is a compelling idea. The foundation you've described suggests a narrative that moves from questioning conventional wisdom about careers to a deeper exploration of what it means to align one’s professional life with one’s true nature and desires. Using a simplified three-act structure could effectively convey this journey, weaving in your insights with relevant clips and stories. Here’s a basic structure you might consider:

Act 1: Setting the Stage

  • Introduction: Start with the montage of "jobs" and "they took our jerbs" you've created, setting a humorous yet thought-provoking tone. This opening immediately engages viewers by juxtaposing the common rhetoric around jobs with the underlying question of what people truly seek in their lives.

  • The Question: After the montage, directly address the audience with the question, "Is that what you really want?" This question serves as the transition from humor to the deeper exploration of the video's main themes.

  • Defining the Problem: Conflicting Advice on Following Passion Everyone says something different about passion. Some say to chase it; others say it's more about who you are, not just what you love. This mix of messages makes it hard to know if just following your passion is good advice or if there's more to consider.

    The Fixation on 'Jobs' and 'Careers' A lot of the advice out there focuses on finding the right 'job' or 'career'. But what if what you love doesn't fit into a neat job description? This focus can box us in, making us miss out on creative ways to do what we love without being tied to traditional job roles.

    The Hedgehog Principle and Other Formulas Some suggest using frameworks like the hedgehog principle, looking for where passion, skill, and money meet. While useful, this still puts pressure on 'figuring it out'. It's another form of trying to solve the passion puzzle with a formula, which can add stress instead of opening up possibilities.

    The Challenge of 'Figuring It Out' Whether talking about passion or not, most advice ends up back at trying to 'figure it out'—to plan out exactly how to turn what you love into a career. This approach can make us feel like we have to have all the answers now, and if we don’t, we’re somehow failing.

Act 2: Deepening the Inquiry

  • Introducing Natural Success Principles: The Power of Focus:: - Focus is like a lens, magnifying what it's aimed at. When we concentrate on our worries or what we're trying to avoid, we might end up steering our lives in that direction without realizing it. - An exercise often mentioned by driving instructors illustrates this principle well: they advise that in a skid, you should focus on where you want to go, not what you're trying to avoid. Focusing on the obstacle can lead to overcompensation and actually increase the chances of collision. This analogy applies to life and career choices as well—concentrate on where you wish to be, not the fears holding you back. - Emphasizing what brings joy and fulfillment naturally guides our actions towards creating a life that reflects our true desires, rather than being swayed by external expectations or fleeting distractions. Misidentifying Desires: Occurs when individuals pursue goals, careers, or paths based on external influences, misconceptions, or a misunderstanding of their own true interests and passions. It's when people think they want something—like a specific job, lifestyle, or status—because of societal pressures, family expectations, or the allure of financial security, only to discover that achieving these goals doesn't bring the fulfillment or happiness they anticipated. - Example 1: A person might pursue a high-paying job in finance because they believe financial security will bring them happiness, only to realize that the stress and long hours drain their passion for life. This person may have misidentified money as their primary desire, rather than considering what type of work would make them feel fulfilled and engaged. - Example 2: Someone follows the path of becoming a doctor because of family expectations and the prestige associated with the profession, but they find themselves more passionate about art and creative expression. They've misidentified societal approval as a desire, rather than recognizing their true passion for creativity. - Example 3: A student chooses a major based on what's deemed as "practical" or "guaranteed to succeed" by peers and advisors, like engineering, without exploring their interest in environmental science. Years into their career, they feel a lack of connection to their work, realizing they prioritized perceived stability over their passion for environmental conservation.

  • Heart Over Mind: Listen to Your Heart: Emphasize the significance of tuning into your heart's desires over the rationalizations of the mind. Encourage viewers to trust their inner feelings and instincts when considering their true passions and career paths.

    Embrace Vulnerability: Highlight the importance of being open and vulnerable about what you truly want. Acknowledge that admitting your real desires can feel risky but is crucial for genuine fulfillment.

    True Desires Over Fear: Stress that true desires often lie beneath layers of fear and societal expectations. Encourage viewers to dig deeper, beyond these fears, to uncover what genuinely moves them.

  • The Role of Love: Love as a Guiding Force: Introduce the idea that love, not in a romantic sense but as a principle, should guide our career decisions. It's about choosing paths that align with what we genuinely care about and what fulfills us deeply.

    Beyond Romantic Love: Clarify that the love discussed here transcends romantic love. It’s about passion, purpose, and a profound connection to our work that brings joy and fulfillment.

    Approval and Validation: Discuss how the quest for approval, validation, love, and belonging often influences our career choices, sometimes leading us away from our true desires.

      Incorporate the Quote from "The Magician's Way":
      "That’s the big fear, you see. That you might lose something more valuable. And what’s the most valuable target we have?” I gave another shrug. “Approval. Validation. Love. Belonging.” Trevor was leaning into me again. He had me bound in his focus once more. “Everything we do, we do in order to have those things or to be impervious to their absence. In the game of life your swing circle is ultimately focused on ensuring that bigger target of love and belonging, which you unconsciously believe your survival depends on. So you are not going to trust your own nature with that one. You’re going to control it."
      "My true nature would never want something that wasn’t good for everyone. The power of love, I could see, was that what I wanted opposed nothing else in life. In my heart I sought no power over anyone else; I did not aim to take anything from anyone that they weren’t happy to give."

    Love Drives Fulfillment: Emphasize that when we make career choices based on what we love, not only does it lead to personal fulfillment, but it also contributes positively to those around us. Our true nature, aligned with love, seeks harmony and mutual benefit.

    Choosing from Love, Not Fear: Highlight the importance of making choices from a place of love rather than fear—choosing careers not out of fear of failure or societal judgment but out of love for the work itself and the joy it brings.

    Authenticity and Contribution: Discuss how careers built on the foundation of love are more likely to be authentic expressions of ourselves and offer meaningful contributions to the world. Love-driven careers tap into our unique gifts and allow us to serve others in a way that feels genuine and fulfilling.

Act 3: Envisioning a New Path

  • Aligning Passion with Life's Work: Instead of discussing traditional careers, let's focus on individuals who have crafted their life's work by following their passions, making a difference, and finding fulfillment.

    • Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple, who emphasized the importance of loving what you do. His journey wasn’t just about creating technology but about bringing to life innovations that reflected his passion for design, functionality, and changing the world.

    • Oprah Winfrey: Her story isn't just one of a successful TV personality; it’s about pursuing a deep-seated passion for storytelling, connecting with people, and inspiring millions to live their best lives. Oprah's path shows how following your heart can lead to impactful work beyond a conventional job.

    • J.K. Rowling: Before the Harry Potter series, Rowling was a single mother on welfare. Her success came from her love of writing and storytelling, illustrating that pursuing your passion can lead to creating something profoundly influential and fulfilling.

  • Practical Steps:

    • So how do you identify your calling, what you truly want?

    Reading for Inspiration and Insight: "The Magician's Way" by William Whitecloud: Start with this book to dive deep into understanding how your focus and beliefs shape your reality. It's a primer on moving away from fear-based decisions towards creating a life aligned with love and true desires. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: Another recommended read that embodies the journey of following one's heart and the signs the universe provides, showcasing the transformative power of pursuing one's personal legend.

    Surround Yourself with Alignment: Seek out and associate with people who are living in alignment with their true nature and passions. Their presence and stories can inspire and offer models for how to live authentically and joyfully.

    Engage with a Coach or Mentor: Consider finding a coach or mentor who understands the journey of aligning life with one's true desires. A good coach can help shift perspectives, making it easier to see and hear what your heart truly wants. This step is about getting professional support to navigate the complexities of life's choices, offering tools and exercises tailored to discovering and following your heart.

    Emphasize the Importance of This Journey: Acknowledge that this isn’t just about changing jobs; it’s about crafting the story of your life. This process is significant and deserves thoughtful consideration and effort. Highlight that while there are many tools and exercises out there, the path to truly understanding and following your heart often involves personalized guidance and experiential learning with someone who can guide you through the process.

  • Encouragement to Explore:

    • Embrace Your Journey: Encourage viewers to see their journey of self-discovery and alignment as a personal adventure, unique to each individual. Remind them that it's their own path to forge.

    • Value of Will: Stress the importance of persistence. Remind viewers that despite the hurdles, staying true to the quest for alignment with one’s true self is deeply rewarding.

    • Celebrate Small Wins: Encourage viewers to celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. Every bit of progress is a victory in the journey toward living a life that's true to one's passions and desires.

    • Seek Support: Remind viewers they don’t have to do it alone. Encourage them to seek support from like-minded individuals, mentors, or coaches who can provide guidance, encouragement, and perspective.

    • Life Beyond Conventional Success: Emphasize that this journey is about more than just traditional notions of success—it's about discovering and living a life that feels genuinely fulfilling and aligned with who they are at their core.

    • The Reward of Alignment: Conclude with the powerful message that living a life aligned with your true self is one of the most rewarding achievements. Inspire viewers with the idea that creating what resonates with their heart and soul is worth every effort.


  • Call to Action:
    • Share Your Journey: Encourage viewers to open up about their own journeys in the comments. Ask them to share where they are on their path to discovering and aligning with their true desires. This is a chance for everyone to learn from each other's experiences and insights.

    • Community Support: Highlight the value of community support. Remind viewers that the comments section is a space for encouragement, advice, and shared wisdom. It’s an opportunity for viewers to offer and receive support, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

    • Next Steps and Resources: Direct viewers to the description below the video for links to the recommended books ("The Magician's Way" and "The Alchemist") that can serve as guides on their journey. Mention that details about your coach, who played a pivotal role in your own path to alignment, are also available in the description, offering viewers a resource for personalized guidance.

    • Engage and Reflect: Encourage viewers to reflect on what steps they might take next towards aligning their life with their true desires. Ask them to consider what small action they can take today and to share these intentions in the comments.

    • Continued Exploration: Invite viewers to stay engaged with your channel for more insights, stories, and guidance on living a life true to themselves. Tease future content that will delve deeper into the themes discussed and provide further support on their journey.