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What is the difference between an API and an SDK?

APIs are sets of rules for software interaction, while SDKs are comprehensive toolkits for development. SDKs often include IDEs, task runners, libraries, documentation, and debugging tools to streamline the coding process.

Composer meta-packages

Composer, the dependency manager for PHP, does supports meta-packages. A meta-package is a package that doesn't contain any actual code or files itself but rather defines a collection of dependencies.

Here's how you can use a meta-package:

  1. Define Dependencies: In the composer.json file of the meta-package, you list the packages that you want to include as dependencies. You don't include any actual code, classes, or files in the meta-package itself.

Hard and soft character limits in code

When it comes to line wrapping, what is meant by hard and soft limits?

  1. Hard Limit: This is a strict boundary for the line length. No line of code should exceed this limit under any circumstances. If a line reaches this limit, it must be wrapped to the next line. It's a non-negotiable rule, and it ensures that the code remains readable and maintainable. In many coding standards, you might find a hard limit of 80 or 120 characters.

Drupal's shift to GitLab

Expanded Information on Drupal's Shift to GitLab

Background and Timeline

Drupal's migration to GitLab was officially announced on August 16, 2018(1). The move was a multi-phase process, with the first phase going live on March 29, 2019(2). The initial phase involved replacing Drupal's existing Git backend and code viewing tools with GitLab's offerings.

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Drupal Patch Management in the GitLab Era


Drupal's transition to GitLab has brought about a sea change in how patches are managed. While the move offers new possibilities, it also presents challenges that every Drupal developer should be aware of. This blog post aims to shed light on the current state of patch management in Drupal, focusing on the challenges, community responses, and best practices.

How to Use Ngrok with Lando on Manjaro Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to set up Ngrok with Lando on Manjaro Linux for local development. This comprehensive guide also addresses critical concerns about data privacy and security when using third-party services to expose your local environment.